Tuesday, November 25, 2014


RUIN The Turning Cover

RUIN The Turning

Paranormal Romance

Ruin wakes up on Earth knowing only one thing: to Judge and Execute. As an Angel of Judgment with no memory of his origins and no ability to communicate, he binds molecularly with Isadore, the first human he comes into contact with. In the fourth installment of the series, The Turning, Ruin must face his latest nightmare assignment: To judge and execute Isadore. Waging war against Heaven and Hell, Ruin collides with a diabolical crossroad of unforseen fate, and the nightmare of good and evil that ensues sends him spiraling into a darkness that he doesn't wish to escape. The Ruin Series sizzles with sexual, spiritual, funny, and truly inspiring romance. The unique concept and premise of this series surpasses the tropes and norms unlike anything you've read before. Bestselling Author, Lucian Bane, dominates his spin on the popular Paranormal Romance genre, quickly becoming one of the many masters that rock our beloved book world.  

  heaven tremble  

Excerpt 18+

“What are you doing?” The hot need in Isadore’s raspy voice ignited the executing fire inside Ruin and he scooped her up in his arms and headed to the stairs with her. “I need… to love you.” His own desire stole his ability to think and speak as he made his way to her bed. “Love me?” She held his face as he kissed her with more hunger than he’d ever felt.


Message from Luc just so you all are aware 

Well, here it is. LIVE AND FUCKED UP.

Seems that when I uploaded it last night, I failed to remove some of the editing comments in the document. Just little notes like (add 100 words for such and such) and (find term for such and such) yes, I know, horrid. I woke up this morning and thought....didi I double check if I removed all those notes? Go look and find no, no you did not.

So, I hurry and fix it, but can't re-upload the second until the first finalizes. Why is it taking so long to finalize? Because to work while I waited, I edtied information on all my titles. Turns out when you do that, it SLOWS the over all process down. Double cha-chong. Fuck it. Consider it the UNCUT version, lol. But look for the updated version later today.




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