Monday, April 29, 2013


MOON  BY: LAURANN DOHNER  NEW SPECIES #10  Synopsis:  Dr. Joyce Yards has never met anyone as irresistible as 466. Their therapy sessions are growing hotter, his raw sexual hunger becoming aggressive, and he refuses to discuss anything except the possibility of getting her naked. Joy understands the dire consequences if she indulges her passion. It will break her...
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****COVER REVEAL**** Kitchen Scandals by Brooke Cumberland

****COVER REVEAL**** Kitchen Scandals  by Brooke Cumberland BLURB~ About the Author~ Brooke is a midwestern gal, from the cheese state of Wisconsin! Go Packers! She's a stay-at-home mom of three beautiful children (one daughter & two stepsons). She's studied psychology in college, and counseling and education in graduate school where she found her love for writing. Most...
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Wolf Protector (Federal Paranormal Unit) by Milly Taiden

Wolf Protector (Federal Paranormal Unit) Milly Taiden Welcome to the Federal Paranormal Unit, where FBI meets paranormal. And where you can find Trent Buchanan. Can we just stop for a moment and appreciate the man/shifter that is Trent?!?! *sigh* umm.. Ok where was I? Erica Villa, profiler & agent with the FPU, her ability? She catches glimpses of victims last moments when she touches something...
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Sunday, April 28, 2013

***500 Likes GIVEAWAY!!!*** It's about time!!!

*****500 Likes Giveaway!!!!***** Tonya & I have been working on this giveaway for a while now it seems. We wanted it to be so totally fantastic for all of our AMAZING fans. So without further ado......  1. ebooks - Exquisite & Entice by Ella Frank  2. ebook Come Away With Me by Kristen Proby  3. SIGNED PB Bent by HB Heinzer 4. ebook Off Sides by Sawyer...
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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hiding Out by Nicole Andrews Moore

Hiding Out Nicole Andrews Moore Sam Davenport is the role model for taking on responsibility. Taking control of the family business after his father's death, he is used to bearing the weight on his shoulders. He is all business all the time, especially after his ex. No one can turn his head, until Haley. Haley Iverson is on the run. Turning up at her college roommate's home on New Year's Day, determined to start her life over. She wears baggy clothes, is extremely timid, and runs about 5 miles a day. Soon, Haley is off...
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He's So Shy by Linda Cajio

He's So Shy By: Linda Cajio **ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review** Meet Richard Creighton. Movie Star, Hottie, Mr. Personality. Or so he wants everyone to believe. What they don't know is that Richard was tormented as a child, he was bullied for everything a kid could be bullied for. And he still pays for it. Richard spends his life proving to all those old bullies that they didn't break him. Penelope Marsh, hometown girl, school teacher to gifted children. Pen had a major crush on Richard as a child,...
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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Claiming Lauren by Emily Ryan-Davis

Claiming Lauren by Emily Ryan-Davis   **ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for a honest review** This is a short, HOT, sexy read about Lauren. She's stuck in a loveless marriage. Living alone while her husband lives in Europe doing "business". Lauren seeks solace in the arms of Master. She met Master online and he can ultimately give her the things she desires.  Emily Ryan-Davis does a good job of portraying the desperation in Lauren. She is desperate for companionship, for submission, & for...
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Sunday, April 21, 2013

**YA cover reveal** Amy the Astronaut & the Flight for Freedom by Steven Donahue

Amy the Astronaut & the Flight for Freedom  by: Steven Donahue  The cover for Amy the Astronaut and the Flight for Freedom (Hydra Press) is here!  Blurb:  Twelve-year-old Amy Sutter steals the experimental spacecraft Liberty Bell to rescue her father and his colleagues from alien captors called the Crownaxians. She is pursued by Lt. Yale Brown, who has orders...
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Friend-Zoned by Belle Aurora

Friend-Zoned By: Bella Aurora Valentina Tomic is a tornado! She sweeps in, sucks in everything around her, whirls back out & you're left wondering what the hell just happened?! She thrives on making people smile & giving hugs when needed. Nikolai Leokov is the owner of The White Rabbit. The hot, sexy owner who never smiles. Being who she is, this drives Tina insane, she must make him smile! "Smile sometime, Handsome" ~Tina This sets off the Friend-Zone. An amusing relationship between Tina & her 3 gal pals,...
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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Down N Derby (Love & Skate #3)

Down N Derby (Love & Skate #3) Lila Felix Maddox is a mystery man. At first glance, particularly, in the previous books, he was the funny guy, the one who always made light of any situation. Could make anyone laugh. Maddox is a pretty tormented guy. He's held on for so long wondering about his real father, that he's on mission to find him. To find the answers to his questions. He hopes...
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Thursday, April 18, 2013

How it Rolls (Love & Skate #2) by Lila Felix

How it rolls (Love & Skate #2) Lila Felix Falcon is an "old soul", he's a 40 year old stuck in a 20 year old body. He doesn't party, he doesn't go out on dates. He works. And works. He's completely selfless. Giving up his time and money for his family, taking care of those who need taken care of. Despite his Mohawk, his piercings, & his tattoos, he's a homebody with a heart of gold....
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*****250 Likes****** GIVEAWAY!!!!

250 Likes!!!  Thank you guys so very very much!!  Tonya & I were very uncertain on how this whole page was going to work. Neither of us have ever attempted anything like this before.  It has been a trip so far and we are still so very new. Thank you to each and every one of you for coming on this trip with us!  a Rafflecopter giveaw...
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Love & Skate (Love & Skate #1) by Lila Felix

Love & Skate Lila Felix Nellie is a roller derby badass - or so she tries to appear. Owen is a student, doing his best to put the past behind him. Both trying to break the mold, each of them avoiding people who may have the opportunity to judge them. Owen & Nellie see each other at a glance. Always so preoccupied that they never really paid attention, other than sly glances, each...
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REAL by Katy Evans

REAL Katy Evans Remington Tate - aka Remy, RIP, Riptide. How to describe the god that is Remington Tate? Sexy, Hot, Wow, Sweet, Aggressive, Damaged, Sexy, Protective, Possessive, Sexy.... Did I mention Sexy? Remy is an ex-pro fighter, now working the underground circuit. Brooke Dumas is a sports rehab therapist. One who generally doesn't like watching fights, until she sees Remy move. Brooke is looking for a new job, and Remy wants to hire her, he needs a rehab therapist on the road - secretly, he'll do anything to get her...
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Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren

Beautiful Bastard By: Christina Lauren I had never heard of this book until recently, of course from the title alone I was captivated. I had thought I was in for a Fifty-ish book with a cliffhanger. PLEASE NOTE - This book does not have a cliffhanger. I'm glad I was wrong. Bennet Ryan is a bastard. He knows it, his family knows it, and so does Chloe. He's tried for the past 9 months to ignore his raging attraction to Chloe. Hiding behind snarky comments, clipped heated words, hoping that his attraction would diminish over...
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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

****COVER REVEAL**** Stay by Suly Mulholland

Stay Introducing New Author: Suly Mulholland  Synopsis: Eighteen year old Alexandra has finally made it out of her abusive mother’s house alive, now going to St. Norbert College in the small town she grew up in; she wants to experience living her own life, free of abuse, but on the night she meets Jason Roberts; her fate has something different in mind.  Alexandra and Jason...
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Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Off Limits Excerpt & Giveaway!!!!!!!!! Sawyer Bennett ****LIVE**** Exclusively on Amazon! CLICK HERE!! Synopsis: “There is a vulnerability there, hovering just below the surface. And I want to pick at it until I expose it. Then I want to kiss it." Two years ago, Emily Burnham, had an epiphany about the shallowness of her life. And she made it her mission to become a different...
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Friday, April 12, 2013

Off Limits by Sawyer Bennett **ARC review**

****RELEASE TUESDAY, APRIL 16TH**** Off Limits       By Sawyer Bennett ***ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. *** After being raised in a political household where appearances are everything, Emily Burnham has finally broken free. Now that she's away from home at college, has her best friends & brother close by, Emily can be herself. She's at the top...
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Off Sides by Sawyer Bennett

Off Sides By Sawyer Bennett The moment Ryan sees Danny in the diner, he's fascinated. Long blonde hair with purple tips, sporting a nose & brow ring, yea, he's fascinated. From their first date, Danny exposes Ryan to a world he's lived in, but never bothered to see. Danny has been put through the ringer in her life, losing both of her parents in horrific ways, surprisingly, it hasn't jaded...
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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Falling Into You by Jasinda Wilder

Falling into You by Jasinda Wilder After reading this one, you've got to take a few minutes to get your thoughts together. Wow, what an emotional ride Jasinda takes us on!!! It still blows my mind and I finished it earlier this morning. I really loved that we got a snippet of the relationship between Kyle and Nell. It gave me a real sense of how their relationship progressed from childhood friendship...
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Bent by HB Heinzer

Bent By HB Heinzer When I think about Bent, the first thing that comes to the front of my mind is one line from the blurb. "It's not possible to hide a twelve year old child in a town of 5000." I knew immediately when I read that line, I was going to be in for a great book. And honestly, I wasn't disappointed. We meet Julia as she has gone through a divorce and has moved back to her home town...
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Charmed Again (The Charmed Trilogy) by Lindy Zart

Charmed again Lindy Zart I was fully prepared to hate this book within the first 2 pages. I love Creed. I fell in love with Creed in the first edition of Charmed. My heart broke for him, I felt such despair for him. His heart was broken, his soul was stripped. I felt betrayed that he didn't get his Sunshine. Through the first few chapters, experiencing his pain and suffering was so hard for me....
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Off Sides on SALE!!! $.99 In honor of upcoming Release by Sawyer Bennett!

Off Sides By Sawyer Bennett Blurb from Amazon: “I'm not sure what possessed me to do it. Maybe it was the impossible expectations I faced, maybe it was my own self-loathing. But I just knew I needed something different to happen. I needed derail me from my current path. Otherwise, I would become lost...a hollowed out shell of a man. So I did it. I approached her, then I...
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Monday, April 8, 2013

H B Heinzer Blessed Fate GIVEAWAY!!!

In honor of the awesome Cover Reveal from H.B. Heinzer today, she's going to be giving away 2 $10 amazon gift cards, hit up the Rafflecopter below to get entered now!!! a Rafflecopter giveaw...
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Blessed Fate Cover Reveal!!!!!!

Blessed Fate Cover Reveal!! By HB Heinzer Release on June 16th, 2013 About Blessed Fate: From the moment Rain Maxwell walked into his life, Colton Bradford was convinced she was The One. Unfortunately, Rain lived by a set of personal rules for life, including never get involved with a band mate. When tragedy strikes, everything Rain thinks she wants in life will be challenged. Will she...
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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Accidentally in Love with.... A God?

Accidentally in Love with... A God? Mimi Jean Pamfiloff First off I have to say, the title of this book does not match this book at all! What it does do, is tells you exactly what is going to happen by the end of the book. I do not like this! When I bought this book, I seriously thought it was going to be a short, easy read. Boy, was I wrong! There isn't anything short or easy about this world...
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Saturday, April 6, 2013

GIVEAWAY 100 Likes!!!!!!!

GIVEAWAY 100 LIKES!!!!!!!  Copy of ebook Hiding Out  by Nicole Andrews Moore Ends on Sunday April 8th!!!  a Rafflecopter giveaway ...
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Friday, April 5, 2013

Charmed by Lindy Zart & NEW COVER REVEAL

Charmed  by Lindy Zart Synopsis:  On the day Taryn turns eighteen her life changes. A black-eyed man with a chilly aura accosts her and she's abducted by a man who really isn't a man, but a Manang; half-man, half-angel.She's told she's someone special; a Charmed, and the key to winning in a battle of worlds about to collide. Only problem is, she can be a weapon of good or a weapon...
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